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En Lixboa sobre lo mar [In Lisbon upon the sea]: The medieval town

The Museum and the City

  • 06 DEC 2023 6pm
  • 14 DEC 2022 6pm

06 Dec 202318h – 19h

3 € (grants access to the whole venue)

+ 12 years old

Tickets available at

Based in the room dedicated to medieval Lisbon, this tour aims to contextualise the exhibits chronologically situated between the conquest of the city by troops commanded by King Afonso Henriques (1147) and the accession to the throne of King Manuel I (1495).

It was during this period that the city became the "capital" of the Kingdom of Portugal, that the cult of St. Vincent became a "national" phenomenon, and that Lisbon castle took the name of São Jorge Castle.

These are just a few episodes in the history of a city that shortly afterwards became the capital of an immense maritime empire.

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© Museu de Lisboa

The Museum and the city