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My first herbarium

  • 25 JUL 2024 3pm
  • 24 MAR 2024 10:30AM [SOLD OUT]
  • 26 NOV 2023 10:30AM [SOLD OUT]

25 Jul 202415h – 16h30

3€ (grants access to the whole venue)

+ 6 years old | 90 minutes

This activity is conducted in Portuguese

Tickets available at

Herbariums are essential tools for learning about flora. During a walk round the garden of the Pimenta Palace, visitors can see a variety of plants and learn to distinguish trees, herbaceous plants and vines from their leaves, flowers, fruit and seeds.

In this challenge of observation and exploration, the aim is to record, collect, draw, catalogue and uncover the secrets of the natural world in a first herbarium. In this workshop, we discuss the importance of preserving natural ecosystems and the need to develop sustainable practices to ensure a healthy future for our planet, particularly in cities.


© Museu de Lisboa

Summer Workshops

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  • Roman Theatre

    Family activities

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    • 29 SEP 2024 10:30am
    • 07 APR 2024 10:30am
    • 26 NOV 2023 10:30am
    • 07 MAY 2023 10:30am
    • 05 FEB 2023 10:30am
    • 08 JAN 2022 3:30pm
    • 14 MAY 2022 3:30pm
    • 21 NOV 2021 10:30am
    • 18 JUL 2021 3:30pm
    • 29 MAY 2021 3:30pm

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  • Pimenta Palace

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