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Organ cycle

  • 03 AUG 2024 3PM
  • 07 SEP 2924 3PM
  • 06 JUL 2024 3PM
  • 10 JUN 2024 3PM
  • 04 MAY 2024 3PM
  • 06 ABR 2024 3PM
  • 02 MAR 2024 3PM
  • 03 FEB 2024 3PM

03 Aug 202415h – 16h

Free admission, subject to capacity

The Church of Saint Anthony in Lisbon, QuoVadis – Tourism of the Patriarchate of Lisbon, and the Museum of Lisbon – Saint Anthony are coming together to promote the first organ cycle in the Church of Saint Anthony under the artistic direction of Sérgio Silva, with the aim of offering the public sacred repertoire for organ and making this fantastic instrument better known.

Throughout 2024, the Church of Saint Anthony will host a cycle of concerts held on the first Saturday of each month, except for June, when the concert will be held on the 10 June bank holiday.

The organ in the Church of Saint Anthony was commissioned by the Lisbon City Council in 1872 with the aim of enriching the new church built after the 1755 earthquake.

03 FEB | Sérgio Silva

02 MAR | Beatriz Resendes

06 APR | André Ferreira

04 MAY | João Vaz

10 JUN | Soprano Raquel Alão, organ Sérgio Silva

06 JUL | António Esteireiro

03 AUG | João Santos

07 SEP | Daniel Nunes

03 FEV _Ciclo de orgão na igreja de Santo António.JPG

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