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The tile panels of the Pimenta Palace

  • 24 NOV 2024 11AM

24 Nov 202411h – 12h15


+ 10 years | 75 minutes

Tickets available at

This activity is conducted in Portuguese

The tile panels that line the walls of various rooms in the Pimenta Palace bear witness to the palace's residential function between the 18th and 20th centuries. On this special and unique tour, art historian Celso Mangucci, author of the chapter on tiles in the book recently published by the Museum of Lisbon As três vidas do palácio, will reveal the history and importance of various panels and the place occupied by the Pimenta Palace in the evolution of Portuguese tiles applied to 18th century noble residences.

António Celso Hunyady Mangucci has a PhD in Art History from the University of Évora and a degree in Anthropology from the State University of Campinas. In the field of the history of tiles and ceramics in Portugal, he has carried out various research projects on pottery production, the use of tiles in manor houses, and the biographies of various 18th century tile painters from Lisbon. At the Museum of Lisbon, in addition to the chapter ‘Um capricho francês. A Grande Oficina de Lisboa e os azulejos da quinta de recreio de Diogo de Sousa Mexia,’ in the book As três vidas do Palácio Pimenta, he was curator of the exhibition Um novo padrão - a fábrica-escola de louça do Rato (2017).

24 NOV_Visita Os painéis de azulejo do Palácio Pimenta © EGEAC - Museu de Lisboa José Avelar.JPG

© Museum of Lisboa,José Avelar