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  • Beauty treatments in Roman times

    Roman Theatre

    Family activities

    27 Jul 202416h30 – 17h45

    27 JUL_Cuidar da beleza em época romana_©José Avelar_Museu de Lisboa (2).JPG
  • The archaeology of things

    Roman Theatre

    Family activities

    • 01 AUG 2024 3pm
    • 29 SEP 2024 10:30am
    • 07 APR 2024 10:30am
    • 26 NOV 2023 10:30am
    • 07 MAY 2023 10:30am
    • 05 FEB 2023 10:30am
    • 08 JAN 2022 3:30pm
    • 14 MAY 2022 3:30pm
    • 21 NOV 2021 10:30am
    • 18 JUL 2021 3:30pm
    • 29 MAY 2021 3:30pm

    01 Aug 202415h – 16h15

    Arqueo das Coisas 1 (BX).jpg
  • Olh'ó balão!

    Saint Anthony

    Family activities

    08 Aug 202415h – 16h30

  • Traditional games

    Pimenta Palace

    Family activities

    29 Aug 202415h – 16h15

  • The eyes also scent

    Pimenta Palace

    Family activities

    • 01 SEP 2024 10:30am
    • 06 OCT 2024 10:30am
    • 07 DEC 2024 3:00 pm

    01 Sep 202410h30

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  • There are worms here

    Pimenta Palace

    Family activities

    • 22 AUG 2024 3pm
    • 14 APR 2024 10:30am
    • 4 NOV 2023 3:00pm
    • 21 MAY 2023 11:00am
    • 26 MAR 2023 10:30am

    04 Nov 202410h30 – 11h45

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