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Master perfumers for a day

  • 14 SEP 2024 10:30am [SOLD OUT]
  • 16 NOV 2024 3:00pm [SOLD OUT]
  • 20 JUL 2024 3:00pm [SOLD OUT]

14 Sep 202410h30

5 € (grants access to the whole venue)

+ 4 years old · 120 minutes

This activity is conducted in Portuguese.

Tickets available at

In this scented workshop, you really have to stick your nose where it doesn't belong! After discovering the various stages of perfume production and admiring a large collection of bottles from different eras, we discover essences and experiment with olfactory combinations.

To end the experience, families are also challenged to create their own exclusive and personalised fragrances, which they take home in a bottle full of senses.

Just like the master perfumers, the secret is to have a curious, imaginative and innovative nose!


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The perfumes of Lisbon