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Tour about the history of Pimenta Palace’s gardens

  • 11 NOV 2023 11AM - 12:30PM

11 Nov 202311h – 12h30

Free admission

All ages | 90 minutes

Registration not required. Places are available on a first come, first served basis.

The gardens of the Museum of Lisbon - Pimenta Palace tell stories that date back to the 18th century, as Mário Nascimento, researcher at the Museum of Lisbon, will unveil during this tour. Since then, families have changed, farms have been enlarged and then shredded. But the green spaces that the museum's walls today protect from the invasion of urbanism provide a journey to the roots of the garden and a meeting with characters fundamental to its preservation: the capitalist Manuel Joaquim Pimenta de Carvalho, the engineer Jorge Graça and the architect Raul Lino.


José Avelar © Museum of Lisboa

Jardins Abertos