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Punto Y Raya Festival

11 — 15 Oct 202310h – 18h

Free admission

The eighth edition of «The Most Abstract Festival in the World» arrives in Lisbon, Portugal! This feast of pure form, colour, motion and sound will be held October 11th-15th 2023 at Cinemateca Portuguesa, Cinema Fernando Lopes, Universidade Lusófona, Museum of Lisbon - Pimenta Palace, U. Lisboa - Fine Arts Aca-demy, U. Lisboa - Caléidoscopio, and ESML Music School of Lisbon.

As always, the event features an International Abstract Film Competition (with 104 films from 33 countries), guest panoramas, LIVE performances, masterclasses, installations, and other educational activities for the family.

PyR Festival 2023 is a coproduction of MAD (ES, creators of PyR Festival) and Taumotropio Lda. (PT, creators of MONSTRA Intl. Animation Festival of Lisbon), with kind support from the European Commission, OSIC Program-me - Generalitat de Catalunya, and Instituto do Cinema e do Audiovisual.
The poster and teaser were designed by Portuguese illustrator and animator Joāo Levezinho.


11 OCT - 15 OCT
Installation artwork
Two Space, by Larry Cuba

Museum of Lisbon – Pimenta Palace
Artist: Larry CubaDuration: 8'
16 mm., b/w; optical sound

In his artwork Cuba is known for his painstaking strain after perfection. Because of this he has produced relatively few films which have, however, a quite unique esthetic quality. According to Gene Youngblood, “if there is a Bach of abstract animation it is Larry Cuba. Words like elegant, graceful, exhilarating spectacular works characterized by cascading designs, starling shifts of perspective and the ineffable beauty of precise, mathematic structure”. (Video/Arts, Winter 1986)

Two Space
Two-dimensional patterns, like the tile patterns of Islamic temples are generated by performing a set of symmetry operations (translations, rotations and reflections) upon a basic figure of tile. 
Two Space consists of twelve such patterns produced using each of nine different animating figures (12×9=108 total). Rendered in stark black and white, the patterns produce optical illusions of figure-ground reversal and afterimages of color. Gamelan music from the classical tradition of Java adds to the mesmerizing effect.


14 OCT - 15 OCT
10:30am – 13pm
Animation workshop for families
Rhythmic movements
 - Inspired by wall tiles and textures from Pimenta Palace

Coordination: Radostina Neykova (Bg.) Fernando Galrito (Pt.)

In this animation workshop we will discover the possibilities and magic of animation. Inspired by simple lines and shapes like dots, lines, circles, squares, coloured dots, we will transform the fixed lines and shapes of the tiles and abstract images of Palácio Pimenta into movements and rhythms that evolve and dance on the screen using drawing, cutouts, plasticine, and objects.
As equipment we are going to use mobile phones and tablets with simple apps so that they can then continue making movies at home.

+ 6 years old | 2H30



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