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Guided tour to the Pimenta Palace garden

26 Nov 202315h – 16h30


+ 6 years old | 90 minutes

Tickets available at

Passing the Museum of Lisbon building, housed in a former 18th century rural villa and palace, we enter the garden of the Pimenta Palace. It is home to many species, some native and others exotic. Cypresses, lime trees and eucalyptus abound, but there are also several cork oaks, some grevilleas and a leafy Japanese acacia with long drooping branches.

On this botanical tour of the Pimenta Palace garden, led by Raquel Barata, biologist and coordinator of the Museums Educational and Exhibitions Centre of the University of Lisbon, some of the main challenges facing the preservation of natural ecosystems and environmental sustainability in the present and future are discussed.


© Museu de Lisboa

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