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Thirteen-day Novena to St. Anthony

  • 1 – 11 JUN 2024 10am–6pm
  • 1 – 13 JUN 2023 10am–6pm
  • 28 MAY – 13 JUN 2022 10am–6pm
  • 1 – 13 JUN 2021 10am–6m

01 — 13 Jun 202310h – 18h

Free admission



The Lisbon Festivities in June have reinforced the presence of Saint Anthony within Lisbon's cultural identity.

The period from 1 to 13 June is special for the Museum of Lisbon - Santo António, with the celebration of the 13-Day Novena to Saint Anthony, a religious festival that has its origins in a miracle the Saint performed after a devotee offered persistent prayer to the Saint, an example followed by others which quickly became common practice.

The religious celebration is joined by the profane side of the devotion to Santo António, marked at the Museu de Lisboa - Santo António with a cultural programme that includes fados and guitar performances, walks and staged readings, guided tours and activities for families.

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