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Is securing and regaining independence revolutionary? 1383-1385 and 1640

Cycle  Lisbon in revolution: seeds of freedom?

  • 19 SEP 2024 6:00PM

19 Sep 202418h – 19h30

+ 12 years | 90 minutes

Free participation upon booking:




Exhibition curator Daniel Alves will talk to Amélia Aguiar Andrade (Professor of Medieval History at NOVA University of Lisbon) and Joana Fraga (Assistant Researcher at the Institute of Social Sciences of the University of Lisbon) about the first two revolutionary moments in Lisbon: 1383 and 1640.

The causes, circumstances and consequences of these early examples of the people of Lisbon fighting for the independence of Portugal will be the guiding thread of this conversation, during which there will also be room for various curiosities and stories about the revolutions, without forgetting the deaths of the Bishop of Lisbon in the first case and Miguel de Vasconcelos in the second.

19 SET_Lisboa em revolução_sementes da liberdade_©EGEAC-Museu de Lisboa, José Avelar.JPG

© EGEAC - Museu de Lisboa, José Avelar

Lisbon in revolution, 1383-1974