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Zé Pinho & Friends

  • 25 APR 2024 6PM

25 Apr 202418h – 20h

Free admission, subject to room capacity

+ 6 years old

April is the month to celebrate Freedom in this Bacchus Hour!

In the months following the 25th April 1974, the country exploded with freedom. For those who lived through those moments, it is impossible to forget the emotion of finally becoming free.

Zé Pinho regularly brings together a group of friends who like to celebrate the enthusiasm of those times with the music of those who sang the revolution, names like Zeca Afonso, José Mário Branco, Sérgio Godinho and Luís Cília.

25 ABR_Zé Pinho e amibos 2_José Avelar_Museu de Lisboa.JPG

© José Avelar/Museum of Lisbon

Bacchus Hour