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Lisbon, imperial and patriarchal capital

Its magnificence in 3D

  • 12 APR 2022 6pm

12 Apr 202218h – 19h

20€ (talks + boat trip)

Tickets availabe at


Architect Rui Lobo


Rethinking the city means learning to see it through the grandiose urban and architectural project designed in the vibrant years of the "Joanine effervescence". João V's project opened the way to the future, imagining a new city that was both modern and functional, yet still magnificent. The new capital of the Portuguese empire exalted its connection with the Tagus and the ocean, uniting monumentality and utility.

In Filippo Juvarra's scenographic urbanism, the Old and the Modern entered into a dialogue which went far beyond the "baroque". It was an avant-garde project that encompassed the city and its surrounding territory as a whole, including the Mafra complex. The Ribeira das Naus, the hilly area around Lapa, Belém Palace and the Palace of Ajuda as we see them today began to be outlined in 1719. New 3D reconstructions of Juvarra's drawings restore life and reality to the magnificent capital of King João V.

Our guest Architect Rui Lobo will talk to us about the graphic reconstructions of Filippo Juvarra's designs and about the potential of virtual reality.


© Rui Lobo

With other eyes